I tend to come across this at times and I always lookup on the internet on how to do this. So I'm writing this blog post so that I can refer back to this next time: Here is how we can add a custom CSS on the SharePoint 2010 MasterPage: < SharePoint:CssRegistration name =" <% $SPUrl:~SiteCollection/Style Library/HREuHome.css %> " After =" corev4.css " runat =" server "/ > The above script could be added right above the closing HEAD tag </head> Here is how we can add a custom javascript file and its better to add it right inside the <form> tag: < asp:ScriptManager id =" ScriptManager " runat =" server " EnablePageMethods =" false " EnablePartialRendering =" true " EnableScriptGlobalization =" false " EnableScriptLocalization =" true "> < Scripts > <asp:ScriptReference Path=" <%$SPUrl:~SiteCollection/Style Library/footer.js%> ...
My experiences with SharePoint and other technologies