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Showing posts from August, 2014

Hide Office 365 Logo from SharePoint online sites

Office 365 logo in the SharePoint sites can be changed using more than one method and one of those is using Javascript. We can use DOM to hide or change the logo details and add the function to _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames. Here is a test script for this purpose: function HideOffice365Logo()  {     var elem = document.getElementById('O365_MainLink_Logo');     elem.innerHTML = "Your Text";     elem.href = "";     elem.title = "Bing!!"; = "#fff"; } _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames.push("HideOffice365Logo"); The above script hides the logo and replaces it with a text that says Bing! and links to site. I'm looking for a way to change the logo to another custom image, I'll update this post once I crack it.