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Showing posts from 2022

SharePoint Online - Export Term Store data

We had a requirement to export Terms from a particular Term Store Group in our SPO tenant but I couldn't find a script that goes in to Level 2 and Level 3 Terms or if there is one out there I couldn't find it. I checked many forums and blogs and thanks to all those contributors who inspired me to come up with this script. This isn't perfect by any means and I would like to improve and clean this up a bit but I'm sharing this here so its documented where I can fix this later and also probably help someone. The script will export the data in hierarchical form in a .csv file.   # Tenant url $url="<enter your SharePoint admin url>" # Term Group names as an array $groups = @("")  # location of CSV file $FilePath="Terms.csv"  # Variable to collect all data and export to CSV $results = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList # Function to iterate through Term store function Get-TermsAsCSV {           try       {  ...

SharePoint Online (SPO) List Items Read-only

Issue : I came across a situation where certain items in a SPO List was read only and that too for just one user and this user is also a Site Owner with Full Control on the List and Site. It was a strange situation as other users were able to edit those List items - the affected user tried Data Grid option as well but couldn't edit. This was similar to item level permission set on the List but in this case it wasn't set. Resolution : After some external support it was found that this was caused by List Sync, once the sync was stopped the items were editable. Here are the steps: 1. Go to their List home page (App menu in the upper right of SharePoint -> All Apps -> Lists). 2. Find the list you'd like to stop syncing. 3. Click the ... button pictured below. 4. If the list is syncing, there will be a menu option for "Stop Syncing". Click on stop syncing to stop the syncing. If you want to disable sync for all users for a particular List then: Navigate to List S...