We had a requirement to export Terms from a particular Term Store Group in our SPO tenant but I couldn't find a script that goes in to Level 2 and Level 3 Terms or if there is one out there I couldn't find it.
I checked many forums and blogs and thanks to all those contributors who inspired me to come up with this script. This isn't perfect by any means and I would like to improve and clean this up a bit but I'm sharing this here so its documented where I can fix this later and also probably help someone.
The script will export the data in hierarchical form in a .csv file.
# Tenant url
$url="<enter your SharePoint admin url>"
# Term Group names as an array
$groups = @("")
# location of CSV file
# Variable to collect all data and export to CSV
$results = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
# Function to iterate through Term store
function Get-TermsAsCSV
if($groups.Length -eq 0){
$groups = @(Get-PnPTermGroup | ForEach-Object{ $_.Name })
# Loop through the term groups
foreach ($termGroup in $groups) {
try {
$termGroupName = $termGroup
# Exporting terms from Term Group
$termGroupObj = Get-PnPTermGroup -Identity $termGroupName -Includes TermSets, Description
foreach ($termSet in $termGroupObj.TermSets) {
# variable to store Term Store within the Term Group
$termSetObj = Get-PnPTermSet -Identity $termSet.Id -TermGroup $termGroupName -Includes Terms, Description, IsAvailableForTagging
$Data = @{
'Term group' = $termGroupName
'Term set Name' = $termSetObj.Name
'Term Set Description' = $termSetObj.Description
'Available For Tagging' = $termSetObj.IsAvailableForTagging
'Term 1' = ''
'Term 2' = ''
'Term 3' = '' }
$results.add( (New-Object psobject -Property $Data) )
# Iterate through Terms within Term Store
foreach ($terms in $termSetObj.terms) {
Write-Host "Term: " $terms.Name
$children = Get-PnPTerm -TermSet $termSetObj.Name -TermGroup $termGroupName -Identity $terms.Name -IncludeChildTerms -Includes IsAvailableForTagging, Description #-Recursive
$Data = @{
'Term group' = ''
'Term set Name' = $termSetObj.Name
'Term Set Description' = $terms.Description
'Available For Tagging' = $terms.IsAvailableForTagging
'Term 1' = $terms.Name
'Term 2' = ''
'Term 3' = '' }
$results.add( (New-Object psobject -Property $Data) )
# Iterate through if child Terms exist and adding them to Array
if($children.Terms.Count -gt 0)
foreach($child in $children.Terms)
$Data = @{
'Term group' = ''
'Term set Name' = $termSetObj.Name
'Term Set Description' = ''
'Available For Tagging' = $termSetObj.IsAvailableForTagging
'Term 1' = $terms.Name
'Term 2' = $child.Name
'Term 3' = '' }
$results.add( (New-Object psobject -Property $Data) )
# This validation prevents error if there aren't any child terms for a particular Term
if($child.Terms.Count -gt 0)
# Iterate through next level child Terms and adding them to Array
foreach($c in $child.Terms){
$Data = @{
'Term group' = ''
'Term set Name' = $termSetObj.Name
'Term Set Description' = ''
'Available For Tagging' = $termSetObj.IsAvailableForTagging
'Term 1' = $terms.Name
'Term 2' = $child.Name
'Term 3' = $c.Name }
$results.add( (New-Object psobject -Property $Data) )}
catch {Write-Host "Error1: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red}
catch [Exception]
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
Write-Host "Error2: $ErrorMessage" -ForegroundColor Red
# Connect to SharePoint Online site
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $Url -Interactive
## Call the Function
$results | Select-Object 'Term group','Term set Name', 'Term Set Description','Available For Tagging','Term 1', 'Term 2','Term 3' | Export-Csv -Path $FilePath -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
# Disconnect the session